The biggest problem with trying to live the life of your dreams is people will always tell you can't have it. "You can't do it, it's not possible." It's constant. I wanted to write this blog out of pure frustration, but have since calmed down to find a better purpose. Twice this week I've been told I'm wrong, by people that have no idea what's going on. The only reason I've been told that this week, is because I've actually opened up a bit about my recent actions towards reaching my dream goals. So what happens, only negativity and doubt get spread around like melted butter trying to wipe away my light and excitement. When I can talk confidently about my answers, I can correct their hesitations, and they insist "I'm wrong, that will never work" is now a reason for me to just laugh and know I won't share anymore details with that person. I can say I have the perfect situation and people will find a way to find a negative; must find something wrong, it cannot be perfect. They cannot simply accept what I say and respond, "cool, good for you." I have quit talking about the goals as they are now a work in action and I don't need unwanted judgement. The dreams I've had for 12 plus years are now finally being worked out on paper in reality. The money I write is real, no dreaming monopoly dollars anymore. The business plan I prepare is a real plan, real research, real intent to execute with massive success. Anyone attempting to go after a dream is actively shaking their head yes to all of the above. My story is not unique, the doubters are everywhere, ready to squash every dream. It's usually subconscious from people. With enough education, experience, and confidence in myself, now I can take that negativity and not let it bother me, I understand why they say that. Until a day like today makes me so mad, it ruined my afternoon.
I am fully aware I let it ruin my afternoon. I am in full control of my emotions. Comments can make me mad, or I can ignore them and they have no effect on me. It takes a lot to make me mad. Annoyed, frustrated sure, but rarely mad. I don't like to be mad, it takes too much energy. Today I stayed mad. What happened you wonder? I was told my idea would fail. Now, if you read the first paragraph this should come to no surprise as a response to my business idea. This one was different. I'll start by saying I never once asked this person for advice... I was asked a simple question about my future gym plans in which I was cut off mid first sentence TWICE because the person asking was looking for a very specific answer. I was trying to explain, he was only open to one option and my words weren't matching his thoughts. In that moment, this fitness professional decided he had ALL the knowledge and I had none (even though he never really let me answer). I got a 30+ minute lecture on why I am wrong. When I stopped him early on to say he was wrong (politely), I was corrected and again told I would fail and I am wrong, so he continued talking (still never asked for one ounce of his advice or opinions). This person had no concept of my goals, but he thought he did. If I was meaner I would have just said, "we're done, please leave." I'm working on getting tougher. I stood up for myself today as much as I could so that's progress, next step, shut up the haters and move on with my life.
Then later in the afternoon, scrolling Facebook there's an ad portraying the story of an overweight black women who is a superstar killing it in long distance races, trail runs, and all day running events. They share the judgement she receives, the comments and looks she gets, and the harsh hatred of emails she gets. People are cruel. People judge. People don't show their best colors when others are doing something they want. I have had an easy path compared to so many that endure far more abuse and negativity on their quest for their dreams. Those that keep focus on their goals can shrug off the negativity and move forward. You have to have your mind right. You have to be so true to yourself that unwanted comments do not change who you are. Many live to please others. There's no happiness in that because people judge everything. Be who you want to be. You only have to please yourself. An afternoon of anger doesn't change anything. It lets me be mad because I am, but I will not let it carry into tomorrow or any actions I take. It's just an emotion. You have to listen to those too, but on the road to happiness, stay true to yourself. For the record, I also had one great interaction this week where we talked ideas and I was not a failure, we supported each other (so not everyone is bad, just those that don't want to understand).
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