A blog about fitness, movement, mobility, stretching, nutrition, and happiness!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Let's be honest, we can all improve our nutritional habits

It can be tough to admit it's time to make changes in your eating habits.  It's vital that active kids know how to eat healthy and the whole family can work together to make smart choices.  I know nutrition is extremely complicated and there never seems to be matching evidence for the best solution.  Part of that, is because there is NOT one great solution.  Everybody will be unique to their needs and how one person digests and absorbs food can be very different from the next person.  The diagram above shows the most basic outline for a healthy lifestyle.  Today, let's just learn what each bubble means and how it relates to your life.

Not every day will be a perfect eating day, (and that's totally ok!) but this is what a balanced day would look like.  There are six major components, that when balanced correctly, will have you feeling your best.  They are listed in importance, moving clockwise.  Hydration is the most important variable, followed by a balanced and varied diet.  From there, energy intake, then nutrient timing and meal frequency go together, as you try to decide when to eat and how many meals you will consume in the day.  Supplements are optional and listed as least important because you should only be supplementing what you are not receiving in your diet.  Don't take supplements, "just to take them."

Use the bubbles to help guide you in your decisions.  There are many details that will apply to your family and not your teammates, but this gives a good general start to finding the weak spots that need attention.  Please contact us to speak to our Registered Dietitian about further questions you have!  Visit www.tntsportsperformance.com and in the Contact Us section, click the "Ask the Dietitian" button!